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How would you rate the purchase with Milfsexdoll.com?
Yes, first of all, thank you very much to the seller for a smooth shopping experience! Correspondence with them helped me get through the long waiting period in a very nice way. The doll was well packaged, I think to better protect her from customs snooping. All fingers are movable and the nails look great! The hands are also very detailed. The customer support on the website was also excellent. I will definitely be coming back again.

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How’s your experience with Milfsexdoll.com?
Yes, it’s a pleasure to deal with this site. I ordered my doll for this site and I’m glad I choose this seller. With the holiday rush I thought that it might take a bit longer than expected to get my order in, but to my surprise the package came really fast and I got her in about two weeks. The customer service was great, there were some technical hiccups with notifications, but I always got an email back when I contacted them and the doll arrived just as advertised. She beautiful. =)

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How would you rate the purchase with Cherrypiesexdoll.com?
Yes, the experience of ordering from the website was very pleasant! All correspondence was answered quickly, no more than a day unless the manufacturer needed additional information, and most questions were answered immediately despite the time difference. My doll arrived in perfect condition and is beautiful. The customer service staff has been very helpful and helped me with many things I didn’t understand. I will definitely order again.