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Yes, I like it the best! This was my first time buying a doll and I am so glad I came here. The salesperson was great to work with and answered all my questions quickly and concisely. Even though the factory is in China and I’m in the US, they made the process very smooth and helped me every step of the way. My doll is even better than I expected and the customization service took it to the next level. A month has passed with no problems at all and I will definitely be back. Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, worth it. She is quite beautiful with silky smooth pale skin and nice curves, she is easy to maneuver and position and comes with customization of many options. The breasts are hollow and she is quite light. The spine is articulated and can be twisted and moved back and forth pretty far. It looks quite nice. Overall, I am satisfied with my purchase. Micro fiber towels and a camping inflator are a must for proper drying. Enjoy your purchase. Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, absolutely worth it. There’s not much to say but she’s one good looking doll. She has big boobs and ass. What more can you want? Her skin is soft but I wouldn’t say human like. I think it feels even softer than human skin. This is something you’ll have to feel for yourself and be the judge. The only con I can think of is that she is extremely heavy. I thought people were just weak when they said she is heavy but boy were they right. It will take a few days before you get used to her weight and posing her but it’s well worth the effort.